Writing a blog is hard work. Which is why I’ve shied away from the process for so long.In all honesty I don’t know how people make time for it. But as I grow up, grow older? (When in life do you replace the one word for the other?) I realize I want to write everything down. Because I want my stories to have the crisp crackling of a just purchased book as you separate the pages for the first time. I want to remember everything, from the sights to the faces to the smells, sounds, reflections. Like it was yesterday. Whereas I might not be able to store every detail still in my head, at least I can jot it all down so I can recreate the memories each time I re-read them. Oh how I long for the fruition of this dream. Don’t worry dear blog, together, we will make it happen. We’re going to be great friends.
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